As an ex-smoker myself, I am always looking for ways to help others let go of that dangerous habit. The popular e-cigarettes, or vaporizers (“vapes”), seem like a great step toward quitting. However, a recent study by the University of California San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research found that vaping is not as innocent as previously touted. It can actually increase a smoker’s failure to quit by as much as 28%, an effect that is the exact opposite of the intention.
There are many reasons, but basically, it is the “dual use effect” that drives smokers back to cigarettes. The simulation of the smoking habit reinforces the hand-to-mouth motion. Further, the amount of nicotine in most vapes is around 20% of that in regular American cigarettes. This keeps vapers vaping more and more, and feeling frustrated more and more. Then ultimately saying “F- it” and resuming smoking cigarettes.
Of course, other studies show that vaping is much “healthier” than cigarettes, which typically are comprised of over 5,000 toxins now. However, many of these studies are conducted by and for the benefit of the vaping industry.
While vapes have no fire, ash, or smoke, they typically include 4-5 ingredients, like propylene glycol, distilled water, flavorings, and nicotine. These are heated and vaporized, creating an “e-liquid” in a battery-powered atomizer. The flavorings vary, but blueberry cheesecake and vanilla custard are some of the trendiest. The CDC reports that some e-cigarettes contain formaldehyde, which normal cigarettes do, as well as other lung irritants, including the flavorings.
If e-cigarettes help you transition from cigarettes to vaping. Or to become a complete non-smoker, hallelujah. I always say, “There is no bad way to quit smoking.” But taking propylene glycol, water, and other flavors into your lungs isn’t exactly healthy. The lungs are built to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Anything else you ask of them is excessive. Would you ever ask your digestive system to process sawdust? Or aluminum?
Remember: you were born a non-smoker. You can shift your mindset back to that state with self-hypnosis or clinical hypnotherapy. Google a certified hypnotherapist in your area and shop around to see who fits you best.
Or please contact me for more information about how stop-smoking hypnosis can help you. I offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation. Please get in touch with questions about quitting smoking and vaping with hypnosis.