The APA (American Psychological Association) recently reported that there is now more fake news than ever before. Shocking, I know.
Our nation is polarized on so many topics now. It is easy to see how black-white, either-or, right-wrong, right-left thinking is concretizing our mindsets. This kind of thinking is disallowing us from critical thinking. And it may get worse over the next year through the Presidential race.
What can help is to develop a healthy sense of skepticism. Even if a news station, paper, app, site, or TV anchor is one that you normally trust, slow down. Take time to assess before accepting what their presumed well-intentioned messages are. It is human nature to automatically assume that what is beautiful is good and true. Even the most credible, meticulous journalists get inaccurate data sometimes. It can happen particularly now with our ever-increasing and fast-paced technology. Be careful to assess the substance behind the style and sensationalism. Take on a more “wait and see if it checks out” attitude vs. assuming your normal go-to for “reliable” news is really accurate. They are all, after all, only human like you and me. And in reality everything has a margin of error.
Another reason we tend to believe misinformation so readily is due to the constant repetition. Even when we know it is not true, we can get worn down and “cave” to just stop the exhaustive resistance. Further, we are vulnerable to accepting false messages when they are delivered with intense emotions such as anger, fear or outrage.
And “group think” is an ever-present threat to individual thinking. “Groupthink” is a potentially dangerous dynamic. It gives the lonely a sense of belonging and identity. It takes time to pause and be thoughtful; to respond vs react. Many of us want to “look good” by following what our favorite pundits or group leaders espouse. We may do so with blind loyalty. without realizing we may be unwittingly spreading inaccuracies.
Drive carefully along the Information Highway, and Happy Holidays to one and all.