Be a quitter!

“The fear of quitting is worse than the act of quitting itself.” – Allen Carr
What if it is easier to quit smoking than “they” say it is? What if it was pretty simple to return to the original default setting in your brain that you were born with…being a non-smoker? What if it’s all in your mind?
Quit Smoking – Cigarettes, Cigars, Marijuana, Vaping, or Chewing Tobacco
As usual, I’m offering a 27% discount for any smoking (cigarettes, pot, vape, chewing tobacco, etc.) cessation package in honor of the Great American Smoke-Out on Thursday, November 21. Why 27%, you ask? Because it was 27 years ago that I quit smoking cigarettes, and if I can do it, anyone can! This offer is good for any appointment set before the end of the year for anyone ready to quit smoking cigarettes, cigars, marijuana, vaping, or chewing tobacco as well.
Tobacco has a long, long history of appeal to human beings. Its use as barter and in religious ceremonies has been traced as far back as 6,000 B.C.! Indigenous tribes throughout the Americas, Mexico, and others smoked peace pipes, used tobacco in shamanistic rituals, celebrations, and more. It wasn’t until 1964 that the Surgeon General’s warning was printed on cigarette packs that smoking is dangerous to one’s health. And it took another 25+/- years to ban them from airplanes, office buildings, movie theatres, stadiums, and other public places.
While there are some positive uses of tobacco (hypodermic injections in tetanus and strychnine poisoning, in the cardiac drug UQ-10, and as an antiseptic for cleaning wounds in many animals), nicotine and the 7,000+ chemicals laced in most modern American tobacco products affect much more than just the lungs and heart; it can cause gum disease, stroke, hardening of the arteries, cancer of the bladder, throat, mouth, kidneys, cervix and pancreas. The effects on a pregnant woman’s fetus can be slower growth and development of the baby, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), low birth weight, and higher risk of stillbirth or ectopic pregnancy, as well as increased risk of birth defects like cleft lip and cleft palate. As well smoking can cause fertility issues for both women and men.
Many smokers (my previous smoking self included) argue that smoking enhances their attention, focus, and alertness, and it actually does. However, one could argue that heroin is a surefire way to numb out to pain, but not a coping skill one would want to employ!
To read more about this, check out :
Consider joining scores of others who want to quit on November 21. If you can go just one day, you can go another and then another. As with any other addiction, it is one day at a time.
“You are bigger than any trigger.” – Dr Nancy Irwin
I offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation on hypnosis for addictions, including stop smoking hypnosis to quit smoking cigarettes, cigars, marijuana, vaping, or chewing tobacco. Please get in touch with any questions or to make an appointment.