Dr. Nancy B. Irwin
We’ve all heard of the concept of “act as if…and the rest will follow.” It’s like the “Fake it till you make it” philosophy. How does this work? Why? Isn’t it just outright lying, or denying the reality of a situation or problem?
It certainly may appear this way to our intelligence, which always wants to be right and realistic; however what is going on in the subconscious and in the superconscious is an amazing prophetic process. “Mirror neurons” copy and bring into actuality what is projected onto them.
The mind cannot tell the difference between real or imagined danger. This is why you sweat and your heart beats rapidly during a scary movie, even though you know rationally that you are in no danger. Well, the good news is this same process can work to “trick” your mind into attaining goals. We’ve all heard about the Law of Attraction, and to just explain it scientifically in very simple terms, it works like this.
In the brain there are “mirror neurons.” When you focus on making that perfect free throw on the basketball court, a mirror is set up and “holds” that frame in your mind, so that it actually believes you are doing it. Brain scans show virtually the same activity whether you are actually swishing the ball or just thinking about it! We can thank evolution for keeping and honing this process for us. Through the millennia, mirror neurons have evolved to function in understanding, imitation, compassion, empathy, and possibly laid the foundation for language.
Maybe you want to be more confident speaking in public, or trust that you can pass the Bar Exam, exercise more, or attract your ideal life partner. Set aside a time each day (preferably right before sleep) to write out your “fantasy” of being comfortable onstage at a podium, passing the Bar, toning your body, or on a date having a ball. Of course you must couple the Law of Attraction with the Law of Action, as well as the Law of Repetition. Even Kobe has to keep practicing.
So now when you look in the mirror, know that those mirror neurons are going to work for you, expanding whatever you focus on.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Be the best you of all!
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Interesting and useful stuff, presented succinctly & clearly – I wish I could write this well!