Since 1977, the American Cancer Society has sponsored an annual intervention event called The Great American Smoke-Out. The original premise was to give up cigarettes for that one day and either stay smoke-free or make a plan to quit for good. Millions have quit successfully, and the goal is to inspire the more than 30 million smokers in the US on November 16 to do the same.

Vapers, pot smokers, and tobacco chewers can participate in this as well. Many still believe the myth that vaping is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes when, indeed, one is still at a high risk for COPD, heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Further, it is toxic for the brain, and youth are particularly vulnerable to nicotine’s negative effects on focus, irritability, impulsivity, and mood swings, and can cause permanent damage to the decision-making center in the brain.

I probably do not need to tell you about the risks of lung cancer, stroke, and heart disease; what is not as widely known is that cigarettes can cause vision issues, gum disease, infertility, erectile dysfunction, prematurely aging skin, blood clots, and Type 2 Diabetes.
As I myself quit smoking 26 years ago, I’m offering a 26% discount off my smoking cessation package with hypnosis in honor of The Great American Smoke-Out. As long as you or someone you know who is ready to stop smoking cigarettes, pot, chewing tobacco, or quit vaping, make the appointment by the end of November 2023.
Learn more about stop smoking hypnosis. Or get in touch today, I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to answer your questions.