We may not readily recognize these elite athletes in street clothes or out of their normal milieu. Even more impressive than their Olympic medals is their courage to speak out against the absolute atrocity of the FBI’s minimization, cover-up, and dismissiveness regarding their claims against convicted child abuser Larry Nassar.
You may have seen the recent televised Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where these young women testified that FBT investigators delayed the case, downplayed and misinterpreted the victims’ accounts, and caused needless excessive abuse to carry on before an arrest. Nassar is now serving 40-175 years in prison for abusing over 150 females over 20 years in his position as sports physician to the young gymnasts.
As a sexual abuse treatment professional, I’d like to take this time to reinforce the importance of early intervention for sexual assault. This not only halts the abuse but also prevents/lessens the severity of PTSD symptoms. If you suspect someone you know, particularly a minor who may not know how to broach this subject, may be abused, seek professional help through a school counselor, nurse, therapist, medical professional, or social worker. Clues to look for may include:
- Mood/personality changes
- Increase/decrease in appetite
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Drop in performance (grades, attendance, normal functionality)
- Anger
- Substance Use
- Isolation/Withdrawal
- Suicidality (ideation, plans or attempts)
- Avoidance of normal activities or persons
Sexual abuse affects 1 in every 5 females, and 1 in every 13 males before the age of 18. And 90% of the time, the victim knows the abuser. It’s rarely a stranger. It’s a coach, a teacher, a neighbor, a family member, a clergyperson, and yes, a physician. Part of our work with victims is to rebuild trust in these authorities. Talk to your kids at the appropriate age about this issue, observe your children, and keep an open channel of communication. Listen to your gut, ask questions, and seek help. You and your children can heal and even thrive.
I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to answer any questions about sexual abuse recovery, please get in touch today.