“Everything (concerning cannabis) is understood to be business now. There’s a tech side to it, there’s an agricultural side to it, there’s a health side to it, there are all types of sides to it that everyone can be involved with. You don’t have to be ashamed or be afraid. It’s a business now, so there’s nothing wrong with being associated with it.” – Snoop Dogg

April 20 is traditionally “celebrated” as Weed Day. While many theories abound, the most accepted and likely one is that years ago in Marin County, a group of high school teens would gather after the school day at 4:20PM and smoke marijuana. Illegal at that time, their secret password to confirm the meeting after school that day was abbreviated to “4:20.”
Now, 21 states have legalized recreational marijuana, and 38 states have legalized medical marijuana. The benefits of medical marijuana are its extraordinary relief for anxiety, chronic pain and illness-related treatments, including chemotherapy. Medical marijuana generally has little THC, so no “high” is experienced…..just pain relief.
There are, however, many negative effects of smoking marijuana. The lungs were not designed to handle smoke of any sort, and the brain (fragile anyway, but particularly the developing adolescent brain) can suffer with from substantial loss in alertness, learning, memory, and IQ. As well, marijuana can become an addiction, causing depression, anxiety, panic, paranoia, and amotivation. Teens are particularly vulnerable to this addiction, and combined with alcohol, distorted thinking, risky behaviors and poor choices increase significantly. Appetite, sleep and mood can suffer as well.
Further, marijuana can be harmful to the heart, demanding it to work harder than it should, particularly for older folks. Indeed, some research purports that there may be a connection with marijuana and some cancers; specifically prostate, cervical, bladder, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Smoking pot while pregnant can lead to higher risk of premature birth, low birth weight, and possibly to struggles with learning and addictions later in life for the child.
That being said, there are scores of healthy alternatives now in CBD (cannabinol, the chemical in marijuana) oils and edibles to enhance sleep, quell anxiety, and relieve pain. CBD does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that creates a high. CBD is being researched as an aid for many illnesses and conditions, such as seizure disorders, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and anxiety, but findings remain limited at the moment. Know that CBD can interfere with certain medications, such as blood thinners, so check with your physician before using these products. Further, labels many times are incorrect, as some products contain THC, and have less CBD oils than labeled.
Whatever your choice, choose wisely and respect your body. It works for you 24/7 for 80, 90 or more years; your only vehicle for life!
“I’m a pessimist by nature. A pot head, but a pessimist.” – Bill Maher