January Jones – Face Your Fears and Make A You-Turn I had the opportunity to speak with January Jones on her popular Blog Talk Radio. If you are in middle age, and you are contemplating on the choices … Category: You-Turn:Changing Direction in MidlifeTag: advice, blog talk radio, dr. nancy iriwin, January Jones, make a you-turn, midlife career change, midlife transition, press, radio, reinvent yourselfRead moreJanuary Jones – Face Your Fears and Make A You-Turn
Psych Talk Radio: Discussing You-Turn And Midlife Awakenings We get stuck on our age, people’s expectations, and restrictive labels, but if we throw off those shackles, our possibilities in life are rich. I … Category: You-Turn:Changing Direction in MidlifeTag: author, book, Dr. Nancy Irwin, hypnotherapy, interview, midlife career change, midlife transition, press, psych talk radio, psychology, radio, reinvent yourself, you turnRead morePsych Talk Radio: Discussing You-Turn And Midlife Awakenings